You are here: 4. Point of Sale > 4.5. ORDER COMPLETION Menu > 4.5.1. Order Completion - Order Scheduler > Managing and Completing Orders

Managing and Completing Orders

There are a variety of activities and functions available within the Order Scheduler for managing customer sales orders.

On the Order Scheduler itself, you can print a list of the orders displayed or you can edit an order.

When you select a specific order, Micronet displays the Order Details screen where you can perform functions including viewing or adding CRM text, changing the status of an order, changing the delivery method or date, and printing and/or finalising an order.

To manage and complete orders:

  1. Open the Order Scheduler and select the orders you want to view.

Refer to "Selecting the Orders to View".

  1. If you want to:
  1. Alternatively, you can either double-click on the order you want to manage or complete, or highlight an order and press the Enter key.

Micronet displays the Order Details screen.

  1. If you want to:
  1. When you have finished managing or completing the order, select  the Cancel button to close the Order Details screen.

Micronet redisplays the Order Scheduler.